Man, I love my life!! I thought that I better do a positive post since the last one... Landon is doing great! He is seriously the greatest. I just got back from my parents. Landon and I took off Monday morning to go watch one of my mom's choir concerts since we had some time on our hands. I forgot how cleansing it is to just drive and think. So, we show up and visit with my old seminary teacher who of course puts me on the spot and I bare my testimony about the importance of reading the scriptures, then we head off to find my parents who of course are no where to be found. We run into my favorite English teacher who just ate Landon up! And, seriously, I could not blame her. He was lovin her... even giving her some "kisses" (an open mouth head band to your face). Nice. Eventually, we found my parents and then I took my little sister back to the house and we had some time to relax. The concert when great and my sister belted out her solo (she forgot to turn on her mic.). It was fun. Landon was super. He sat through the whole 1.5 hours concert and watched all the action. For a kid that begs to go to bed at 6:30 he was up until 9:30 and he was amazing!! We had fun and were ready to come back home and help Tyler pack. I can't believe that we will be moving into our own house in a few weeks. It's so surreal!!
So, my life is great! I have the best baby and a fantastic husband who manned Joe and Gus (my uncle's puppy that's about the size of Joe's head who we're babysitting).
I love my life!!
Glad everything is going so great! :) Your family is so precious! Landon is the cutest boy ever!
Tht's so funny that Landon does that face! Talmage does the same one! Jacob always calls him "turtle" when he does it. And Talmage also gives kisses. You just say "kisses" and he grabs your cheeks, opens his mouth and brings you towards him. They are so alike! I'm excited for you guys and your new house! We'll eventually join you guys in Queen Creek...hopefully sooner than later! See you soon!
oh my goodness, that face it adorable! your little family is so cute heather. i'm glad your so happy.
we're gonna miss you in this ward! i hope you love love your house, i am so jealous!
Your little man is so adorable. Although he is not so little. I love chunky babies they are so much fun to munch on. That is so exciting about your house. Congrats on your beautiful life and I am going to add you to my list so that I can check in on you if that is alright!!
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