Saturday, March 28, 2009
A Lovely Day at the Zoo
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Inch By Inch
Sorry the movie is so dark... I havn't figured how to upload video from our actual video camera so this is just the regular one...
So here's our little inchworm. He started crawling March 21st!! He is a little on the turtle speed though. He will go a little then he's back down on his belly investigating things, then back up, then down.... on and on. Now that he's getting the hang of it he is such a little busy body! There is no more just sitting and relaxing he always wants to be on the go or studying something. Its amazing how much he loves to figure things out.
Another couple of things.... we started him on Stage 3 baby food but of course he just prefers to eat whatever we are eating. He LOVES to chew!!
He just got his two top teeth for a total of four! Also, two more are coming in on the bottom.... I can't wait for them all to be in so I will get a good nights sleep for the first time in many, many months!
On a different note... it looks like we are going to be closing our house before the beginning of the month, so yes.... that would be in the next couple of days!! :) Yeah! Tyler and I seriously need to get on the ball with our packing efforts. It is still so weird to think that we're buying a house and moving. I am really going to miss our ward and all of our friends!! However, I am a huge advocate of change! I love meeting new people, trying out new things (except for strange foods), rearrainging and reorganizing all of our stuff!! Finally, a backyard for Joe... and CARPET!! Ahh... YES! I cannot wait! :)
Speaking of Joe.... Here is a picture I took yesterday when I saw him hanging out in a chair outside. I swear he must think he's human... Also, a quick update on him... It looks like he has done his job. His girlfriend is pregnant, from what we understand!! :) Oh, I love puppies! We chose to get pick of the litter so that Holli (my big sister) and her family could pick one out!! I can't wait to see them!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A little "randomness" about my Great Life!!
Man, I love my life!! I thought that I better do a positive post since the last one... Landon is doing great! He is seriously the greatest. I just got back from my parents. Landon and I took off Monday morning to go watch one of my mom's choir concerts since we had some time on our hands. I forgot how cleansing it is to just drive and think. So, we show up and visit with my old seminary teacher who of course puts me on the spot and I bare my testimony about the importance of reading the scriptures, then we head off to find my parents who of course are no where to be found. We run into my favorite English teacher who just ate Landon up! And, seriously, I could not blame her. He was lovin her... even giving her some "kisses" (an open mouth head band to your face). Nice. Eventually, we found my parents and then I took my little sister back to the house and we had some time to relax. The concert when great and my sister belted out her solo (she forgot to turn on her mic.). It was fun. Landon was super. He sat through the whole 1.5 hours concert and watched all the action. For a kid that begs to go to bed at 6:30 he was up until 9:30 and he was amazing!! We had fun and were ready to come back home and help Tyler pack. I can't believe that we will be moving into our own house in a few weeks. It's so surreal!!
So, my life is great! I have the best baby and a fantastic husband who manned Joe and Gus (my uncle's puppy that's about the size of Joe's head who we're babysitting).
I love my life!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Our Hospital Stay
Last week was a week that I am so glad is over!! Landon had been dealing with RSV's close cousin like so many other kids are this time of year. I had read about it and determined that since it was viral so there was nothing that I could really do about it. I didn't really see a need to take him in to the doctor since antibiotics wouldn't have helped. But Monday he was having such a hard time breathing that he started choking on his food. I decided I better take him in to see if we could get him on some breathing treatments or something.... By the time we got to the doctor he was huffing and puffing like he had just run a marathon! They rushed him back and started breathing treatments right away... his oxygen level at was about 87%! So... shrinking my story... two more breathing treatments and 4 1/2 hours later we leave the doctors office and head to Mercy Gilbert hospital where Landon resides in a white metal crib for the next three days and I reside on the pull out couch! Believe it or not I somewhat enjoyed being in the hospital. I was able catch up on some needed reading and studying and I got a lot of one-on-one time with Landon, who by the way thoroughly enjoyed his stay!
We got home on Wednesday and things seemed to be okay until Friday when I got the flu. There's nothing like taking care of a baby when you can't get out of bed. :( Thank goodness Tyler took him to work with him!! I love my wonderful husband! Too bad he caught the flu later that night too! Poor guy. It was just a nasty week. I think the most frustrating thing is Landon loosing his appetite and having to try to get fluids in him. I didn't mind going to the hospital once, but I do not want to go again for a long time!!